Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This picture is example of how technology is advancing; it a new way to charge you devices without all the hassle of chords and finding a socket to plug it into. I am in-between on the decision of whether or not all this technology is good or bad for us. It’s good for us because you don’t have to have a million things in your home and you can have only four or five that does pretty much everything the others in the house taking up space can do. I fell it is bad because the technology in the world now is making people lazy and always depending on technology. For example kids use to have fun outdoors exploring the world and being active but now and days all most kids want to do is play video games and be on the computer. My little cousin is 8 years old and she is very smart. she knows how to create social networking account such as Twitter, Facebook and, MySpace. When I use to babysit her she always wanted to play outside you couldn’t get her to come in the house for anything not even a drink of water. Now that she has learned how to create such accounts and how to work a computer now when she comes over she goes straight to the computer and you can’t get her outside for nothing.  I feel as though not all technology is good for us. As cited by Cristen Conger from Discover News “Rechargeable batteries can contain metals that may be harmful to the environmental if not disposed of properly,” said Carl Smith, CEO of Call2Recycle, a rechargeable battery collection program operated by the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation. “So, it’s better to keep them out of landfills.”
Throughout life you encounter a lot of friends some fake and some real but the majority of them are fake. There are only 4 people that I can call my real friend. Never have they talked about me behind my back and did anything to hurt me. When I came to Wright State University I found out that people I went to school with in elementary goes here. I thought we were all cool but that quickly changed. I began to notice how they fake they act towards me but expects me to be a real true friend with them so all but one I stopped hanging with them. The girl who I continued to hang out with seemed like she was a true friend and that there was no fakeness about her. Until one day my roommate tells me that she was talking about me behind my back to her and it wasn’t just one time. I began to distance myself from others and only hang with my roommate who is the realest person I can hang with up here at Wright State. After all those incidents I realize that I don’t need friends to be happy. I continue to do me and the more they hate the more it makes me want to succeed to make them hate even more.  

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

After watching the video “Killing Us Softly” I felt as some of the ads the lady over analyzed. There were some of the ads that really didn’t make sense to me like the ads were the women in lying on top of an animal seductively. In most of the ads you find the women half naked. Women should have to be half naked to sell a product. Women are degraded and seen as sex objects most of the time in ads.  I think the advertisers believe that the more sexier the person in the ad look the more it will sell. I must admit that ads were a man is half way naked makes me pay more attention to it rather if the man had clothes on and was dressed nice. What disgust me about ads is when it looks as the women and/ or men in the ads looks as if they are performing sexual acts. Why must a women be laying on top of a man without any clothes on just to sell a pair of pants.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I feel as though people should not be so happy about Osama bin Laden  death because his people are probably plotting on America as we speak. I know he has done bad and he deserved what he got but I feel as though people should be on national television rejoicing in his death. I heard about Osama bin Laden death from Facebook. So as I get on Facebook I see people status saying things about how happy there are that Osama is dead. It’s funny how people believe ok now that Osama is dead that gas prices will go down. When hearing about the death of Osama bin Laden I was neither happy nor sad; I was just like ok he dead now and went on about my life.